Monday, October 6, 2008

Bucket List

I know that most people are more interested in seeing pictures of Halle on any new post. Unfortunately there aren't gunna be any this time :( I recently viewed the movie Bucket List and I thought I might write one of my own. The following are things I want to do before I kick the bucket(not in any particular order):

1. Ride in a Semi-truck (I have always wanted to know what it would be like)
2. Ride in a hot air balloon
3. See the great pyramids of Egypt

Thats all for now. I will definitely add more as I ponder the things that will make my life complete before I kick the bucket


this is audrey said...

seeing the pyramids of egypt has always been on the top of my wish list too! awesome! maybe someday we can go together and appreciate it the same way!

Trisha said...

Ride in a Semi-Truck? Well Charlie's already done that. I'm not really sure how you're going to do that one, maybe you could make friends with a truck driver, but not a scary one. I'm pretty sure you can pay a small fee and go on a hot air balloon ride, you should Colin take you on a date and do it. As for Egypt save some money monthly and than go!! They sound pretty fun and I come along on any of them if you me to.

Kevin Lloyd said...

You should have mentioned you wanted to ride in a semi-truck last time you were visiting. Loa is packed full of them.:-) I bet we can arrange it next time you come visit. Can we come to Egypt with you when you go???

Kevin Lloyd said...

P.S. These comments are actually Sarah. I am just too lazy to log Kevin out, log back in as me, and then re-post the comment.