Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Halle's first celebrations!

Well, Halle is now 13 months old now and has celebrated her first Halloween (I know its been over a month ago but I still want you to see how cute she was dressed up). She also obviously celebrated her first birthday! Here are some pictures---
My current favorite picture of Halle

First birthday cake!

Halloween chicken

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bucket List

I know that most people are more interested in seeing pictures of Halle on any new post. Unfortunately there aren't gunna be any this time :( I recently viewed the movie Bucket List and I thought I might write one of my own. The following are things I want to do before I kick the bucket(not in any particular order):

1. Ride in a Semi-truck (I have always wanted to know what it would be like)
2. Ride in a hot air balloon
3. See the great pyramids of Egypt

Thats all for now. I will definitely add more as I ponder the things that will make my life complete before I kick the bucket

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hello out there!

I know it has been a few days since I have updated you on our lives so here goes:

Halle is now 8 1/2 months old and she crawls all over the house and likes to carry small toys in her mouth. I am remembering why I don't post so often.... because this blog is not Melissa friendly and I can't seem to make posting pictures and words underneath pictures easier I don't get it! Help?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Had a Dream..Last Night

Ok, I had a pretty unusual dream last night. I dreamt that people thought that I looked like Jesus. I know, I know very weird! I was treated like a travel destination: People came from all over the country to have their picture taken with me. In my dream I looked the same as I currently do but with brown hair instead of red. Colin and I lived in what appeared to be a farm state like Kansas or something and I didn't believe I had any sort of resemblance... (you tell me). It was sort of like when people think they see the Virgin Mary carved naturally in a tree or in their toast or something like that. Any how I thought I might share this bizarre experience in my dreamland and invite anyone out there to share their odd and unusual dreams.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I Loved It!!!

Call me childish, but I just finished watching Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium and I loved it! I was hesitant at first because I had read some negative reviews and boy am I glad I went ahead and gave it a shot. It was fun and definitely magical . I don't believe Colin enjoyed it very much , in fact he didn't even finish it . I just found a lot of fun in a simple yet magnificent film about a toy store. Try it out , but don't take my word for it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Road Trip

Family at the Phoenix Zoo

We recently (two weeks ago) took a trip to sunny Arizona to visit Kevin, Sarah and our new nephew, baby Simon. While we were there we decided to visit a few other places. We had an exciting time and we are very happy that we were able to visit with Kevin and Sarah and meet baby Simon. Here are some pictures so you can pretend that you were with us having a good time!

I love the animals at the zoo!

We went to Meteor Crater. It was awesome and a bit windy!

We got to touch a part of a real meteor. Halle is demonstrating.

Montezuma Castle

Halle loves her new cousin Simon!

Monday, March 3, 2008

We were tagged a while ago so I guess we were supposed to answer some questions?

How long have you been together?
long enough (just kidding! im not good at math, married in sept 2004 and dated for two years before that)

How old is he?

How old are you? 24

Who eats more?
Colin eats more food, I eat more desserts!

Who said "I love you" first?
Colin (in the Mongolian language)

Who sings better?
I don't sing, Colin just sings, but I wouldn't say it's good:)

Who is smarter?
Me of course!

Who does the laundry?
I do most of the time

Who does the dishes?
I do most of the time

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do (if your standing facing the bed)

Who pays the bills?
We have bills? oh, i guess Colin must pay them

Who mows the lawn?

Who cooks dinner?
Colin cooks food, I cook desserts

Who is more stubborn?
We are both pretty stubborn

Who kissed who first?
oh, we totally skipped the first kiss thing and moved on (just kidding I believe our lips touched at the same time).

Who asked who out?
we just always went out; there was no asking

Who proposed?

Who is more sensitive? Me

Who has more friends?
We both have a happy amount of friends

Who are you tagging? Trisha and Jarom

Updating Blog

Ok, I know that I started this blog a while ago and I was way excited to do so but I kind of left it in the dust. I don't have any pictures for today but I promise to post s'more (mmm I love s'mores) pictures soon! Our wonderful nephew Simon was born on Feb 28th and we are way excited to meet him! That is the most exciting event right now (it is always so exciting when babies arrive)!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008